Academic Advising


University College values academic honesty in academia as the basis of shaping students who will become productive workers and contributors to society. University College is committed to supporting student success by supporting accountability. We are driven to use every opportunity, including academic violations, as learning opportunities for our students to gain experience, resources and personal growth.

 Academic dishonesty falls into five broad areas that include but are not limited to:

  • Cheating on an academic evaluation or assignment.
  • Plagiarizing.
  • Academic deceit, such as fabricating data or information.
  • Aiding academic integrity policy violations and inappropriately collaborating.
  • Falsifying academic records.

It is important that you understand what constitutes a violation of academic integrity.

View Full Policy

Why is it important?

Academic Integrity Violations have a negative impact on you as the student, the ASU community, and your future career aspirations.

Academic dishonesty undermines your ability to demonstrate your academic excellence. Furthermore, academic dishonesty doesn’t allow your instructor the opportunity to develop your educational aptitude to prepare you for your career and diminishes the integrity of our ASU academic community.

Who can report academic dishonesty?

Anyone with a good faith basis for believing that a student has engaged in Academic Dishonesty may report the alleged violation to the Instructor or Academic Integrity Officer for the college or school in which the Academic Dishonesty occurred.

Make a report

 To be considered in academic good standing in University College, students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. Academic standing is determined twice annually—in December after fall semester grades have posted, and in May after spring grades have posted. Grades earned during summer will affect GPA, but are not considered for academic standing purposes until the next review period.

View grades and grading policy

An undergraduate student with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 at the end of their first semester (fall or spring) is considered to be in the status of University Academic Warning.

Academic Probation-University College

If a student's minimum cumulative GPA first falls below 2.0 in a term that is not the student's first term at ASU, the student will be placed on probation. Failure to return to good academic standing after being placed on probation may result in disqualification.

What happens when you are on academic warning or academic probation?

A student on academic warning or academic probation is considered in conditional good standing and is permitted to enroll.

All University College students who are not in good standing, are required to meet with an academic advisor and complete an Academic Success Agreement. During your appointment, your advisor will go over your prior semester, discuss your academic standing status, possibly make adjustments to your course schedule and help you explore strategies to return to good standing.
Improved performance will help you earn either Good Standing or Continued Probation status. Students who achieve a cumulative GPA above 2.0 are considered in Good Standing. Students who achieve a semester GPA above a 2.0, but retain a cumulative ASU GPA below 2.0 are placed on Continued Probation. Students who fail to achieve a semester or cumulative GPA above 2.0 are subject to disqualification from the university.

All students who are placed on Academic Warning or Academic Probation for at least one semester, must successfully complete UNI 220 Mindset Connections as a requirement of graduation.

 If you have been disqualified from ASU, you are not eligible to take classes at ASU during fall or spring semesters; however, enrollment in summer classes is permitted and encouraged. You may enroll in summer classes at ASU to improve your GPA and bring your cumulative ASU GPA back into good academic standing (2.0).

If you have had a fall or spring semester lapse in enrollment while on disqualification status, you will need to submit an application for readmission to ASU to enroll in summer classes or be considered for a future fall or spring enrollment.

Readmission to University College is only granted for students who:

  • Raise their ASU cumulative GPA to 2.0 (Good Academic Standing) by taking ASU summer classes.


  • Complete 12 or more transferable credits at another college or university with a GPA of 2.5 or higher and no grades lower than C. Courses may be taken over multiple semesters, but all courses taken in the interim will be considered.


  • Meet with a University College advisor to identify their options, and develop a plan for success.

Note: Students who receive a "D" or E" grade in an ASU course, should not repeat the course at another institution for a higher grade. This will void the possibility of a potential ASU grade replacement to improve ASU GPA upon readmission.

Students who have been disqualified two or more times will not be reinstated until they achieve an ASU GPA of 2.0 or better by taking summer courses.

Readmission: An application for readmission will be required for the semester you wish to return to ASU. This readmission will be contingent on completing the requirements stated above.

GPA Calculator

Academic Renewal: Students who have a five-year absence from ASU may be encouraged to apply for academic renewal as part of the reinstatement process. For additional information, see an advisor or see “Academic Renewal” in the ASU catalog.

Undergraduate students are eligible for the Dean’s List if they earn 12 or more graded credit hours (“A+”, “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, “D” or “E”) during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher. A notation regarding Dean’s List achievement appears on the unofficial transcript.

Since a complete session withdrawal from the university can be a difficult decision and could result in serious academic and financial consequences, beginning the first day of the fall and spring semesters, undergraduate students are required to contact the college/school of their major to facilitate the withdrawal process.

  1. Review the Academic Calendar for complete session withdrawal deadlines.
  2. Fill out a Complete Session Withdrawal Form
  3. Note: International Students must contact the International Students and Scholars Center (ISSC) regarding intent to seek a complete session withdrawal by sending an email to
  4. You will be notified of the status of your submission. If approval is granted, your completed session withdrawal will be forwarded to the ASU Registrar’s Office for processing.
  5. We encourage you to discuss a potential complete session withdrawal with an academic advisor, by scheduling an academic

Advising appoinment

Other withdrawals

  • Complete Withdrawals for Summer Sessions
  • Complete withdrawals for Fall or Spring Sessions
  • Withdrawing from Just One or Two Classes (Course Withdrawal)


For students who are disqualified, reinstatement to University College is only granted if the student raises their ASU cumulative GPA to good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA) by taking ASU summer classes, or completes 12 or more transferable credits at another college or university with a GPA of 2.50 or higher and no grades lower than “C” (2.00).

  • If a student has been disqualified from ASU they may return to University College for a fall or spring semester if they do one of the following:
  • Raise their ASU cumulative GPA to good academic standing (2.00) by taking ASU summer session classes.
  • Complete 12 credit hours of ASU general studies classes at a community college without a grade lower than a “C” and a GPA of 2.50 or better. Courses which the student failed or received a “D” in at ASU should not be repeated at a community college.

Once readmitted, the student may be placed on academic probation for at least one semester. Students on probation will have one semester to raise their cumulative or semester GPA to meet ASU academic good standing (2.00). Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the university.

Enrollment Changes

 Steps to submitting a Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal (MCW)

Before submitting the MCW form, please do the following:

  1. Meet with your academic advisor to explore the withdrawal procedures.
  2. Work with faculty for alternative class arrangements or incomplete grades.
  3. Consult with a Student Financial Assistance counselor to determine financial obligation.
  4. Review Guidelines of Requirements for Submission section below
  5. Submit an MCW

Submit an MCW

What is a Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal?

If you experience a serious illness, injury or other significant personal situation that prevents you from continuing your classes, you may request a medical/compassionate withdrawal from the college which houses your major.

Medical/compassionate withdrawals require relevant and detailed supporting documentation for consideration. Approval is at the discretion of the college and there is no guarantee a request will be approved.

If you are an international student with an F1/J1 visa, you must consult with the International Students and Scholars Center (ISSC) to discuss the serious immigration consequences that may result from your withdrawal from ASU.

F-1/J-1 visa, must provide medical documentation from a U.S. licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist.

View ASU MCW Policy

Required documentation for medical withdrawal

  1. An official letter from a health care provider on health care provider’s letterhead stationery.
    1. Must explain the circumstances or challenges of the student.
    2. The date of onset of illness
    3. The dates you were under professional care
    4. The general nature of your medical condition and why/how it prevented you from completing your course work/attending class
    5. The date of anticipated return to school
    6. The last date you were able to attend class
  2. Students making a request for some courses in a semester and not all courses, must provide a statement as to why they were successful in some courses, but not others.

Required documentation for a compassionate withdrawal

  • The official documentation must include a statement from the student explaining the circumstances or challenges they are facing.
  • Documentation should corroborate your request by either strengthening the request or providing a timeline for event(s).
    • Example: If your request involves a death, attach a copy of the death certificate, airline itinerary and receipt, funeral pamphlet showing dates.
  1.  Requests to drop a course after the drop/add deadline are not considered, unless there are extenuating circumstances beyond student’s control. In these cases, the student will need to attach an email outlining the extenuating circumstances to the enrollment exchange form.
  2. Students may initiate a late withdrawal up to three business days after the deadline by emailing.
  3. Backdated drops will need department approval

Enrollment change form

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 To request credit be given to a transfer course that did not receive a direct equivalency or was deemed non-transferable.

  • Requests for general studies credit may be approved for transfer courses or for ASU omnibus classes (e.g.,294,394, or 494 classes), which are not reviewed by ASU’s General Studies committee and thus do not carry pre-approved general studies designations.
  • Requests for general studies credit on established ASU courses which do not hold that designation are discouraged; typically, established ASU courses that are not already designated as general studies courses either do not meet the criteria, or the department has decided not to submit it for general studies designation. Sometimes an instructor will insist that his or her class meets general studies criteria, but if the university general studies committee has decided otherwise, the petition will not be approved.

Submit Transfer Appeal Petition

 Students who are enrolled in a University College course and believe they have been unfairly or improperly graded may be assured of just treatment and fair consideration through the processes described in this document. Any such grievance must be started within the regular semester immediately following the course at issue, whether the student is enrolled in the university or not.

The grievance procedures do not deal with matters that properly belong in personnel proceedings.

See Full Grade Appeal Procedure


 Class override (prerequisite not met)

Will not be considered unless there are specific extenuating circumstances (for instance, if the pre-requisite has been completed or will be completed at another institution prior to the start of the class in question).

Override requests will not be considered after the drop/add period for that session (A,B,C) has ended.

Class Override

  •  Will not be considered if the room has reached maximum fire code occupancy
  • Will not be considered if other sections of the same class are available at another time.
  • Override requests will not be considered after the drop/add period for that session (A,B,C) has ended.

Space Override


 The University College Standards Committee is composed of faculty and staff from University College. The standards committee meets monthly to discuss outstanding petitions from students who request to change academic standards. Students who should submit a petition via DocuSign to the standards committee to be considered for review.

To keep your request moving forward, please

  • Make sure you have fully completed all forms
  • Make sure you have submitted all supplemental/supporting materials
  • Read the instructions on our website
  • Ask questions if you are unsure about anything regarding your petition application or the process. You can contact Samantha Carter via email or phone 480-727-4492.

Help with DARS

  • Students wishing to repeat courses and possibly replace prior course grades must follow the Repeat/Replace Policy stated in university policy SSM 203-06 regarding the number of credit hours that can be repeated and the types of courses that are eligible for a grade replacement.
  • All prerequisites for the course must be met with the required grades before submitting the petition to enroll in a course for the third time or more (even if registration has previously been permitted without them). Students may not repeat a course for a third time or more if they have passed the course with a "C" grade or higher. Approval to retake a course does not imply that enrollment in a class after the drop/add deadline is permitted or that the student may register for a class section that is already full.

Submit a 3X Course Repeat Petition

A student may take up to 18 credit hours per semester (fall or spring) and seven credit hours each summer session. Prior to submitting the request for credit overload, the student must do the following:

  1. meet with their advisor
  2. have a legitimate academic reason for making the request
  3. have a written plan describing in detail how the demands of a heightened workload will be met
  4. complete a full semester at ASU before the overload semester
  5. be in good academic standing
  6. not be repeating a course during the overload term
  7. be a degree-seeking student
  8. submit the form at least a week prior to the start of the session
  9. meet the GPA requirements as outlined on the Credit Overload Petition formSubmit Credit Overload Petition
  • Retain catalog year
  • Enroll in 500-level course for undergraduate credit

Other Petitions